Who Are We?

We are Tree of Life Christian Fellowship (formerly St Luke’s Lutheran Church)—a group of people from many different backgrounds who have become one big family through Jesus of Nazareth who said to us, “Follow me!” Jesus has poured his Spirit and Breath into us and as such we have been adopted into God’s family—he has become our Father and we have been made his children. Jesus has called us on a journey of leaving everything behind in order that we might be set free from every slavery in Civilization and experience true and lasting life. He has made us an alternative political and economic society of Faith, Hope, and Love.


On this journey we live under our heavenly Father’s Kingdom—waiting on him in all things and trusting that he will completely care for us today and into the future. We say “no” to ourselves and “yes” to Jesus, listening to him and letting him teach us how to live and act in our world. We pick up our own crosses and stand up against all the forces of oppression, tyranny, and death that try to control us and others, trusting that our Father will raise our bodies from the dead, just like he did with Jesus. We bond ourselves together and hold all things in common, taking care of and loving one another in relationships that are tighter than blood-family.

We gather together on Sundays for liturgy where we study the Gospels and the Scriptures and to share in the Lord’s Supper that propels us out into the world to live like Jesus. We also gather on Mondays for Faith & Film and on Wednesdays for Growing in H.O.P.E.

We have been gathered in Kansas City, KS, since 1900 and are currently without a denominational affiliation. We reach out with our whole lives to care for our neighbors—friend, stranger, enemy, plant, and animal alike–in the inner city around us, listening to Jesus’s guidance every step of the way and not our own “wisdom.” Our whole lives are one big adventure centered around following Jesus wherever he leads us. Please see our Constitution and Our Beliefs & Way of Life to see more details about our values and how we are organized.
